Sometimes silence says much more than words. - Mutual Reflection

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Sometimes silence says much more than words.

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Hello guys,
I’m here to post some of the thoughts I’ve been doin’ lately and I want to share it with you.
Facebook doesnt allow big msg for status and its annoying to talk with small msg’s.
Anyway lets start.
Sometimes silence says much more than words and sometimes silence talks louder than our voice. The reason I’m saying this its because I found out that people sometimes when they talk, the words doesnt have any meaning but the pauses and the things they dont say, says much more… Why people they dont say what they think ? That will saved many people of been hurt. The answer is simple. They afraid of been hurt and they hurt the others without a clue to understand what their doing. Its so hard sometimes to talk and to say the words you want or the things you need to say and you lock yourself in a shell so nobody will touch you and harm you. But actually sometimes you need to let yourself free and open because if you stay locked enough time you will lose the meaning of life.
Life its not easy and its not full of happiness and joy. Life is hard and sometimes life can hurt you too but you need to think that the best things in life they will come after some hard times. The best things in life are hard to find and its even more hard to get.
Why do we like to make our life so hard when we can save us from future pain ? Why we are hiding ourselfs behide lies ? Why we are not accept the fact that ” Yes, we are gonna cry ” , ” Yes, we are gonna lose” , ” Yes, we are goin’ to be hurt ” etc ? We are humans and we are borned to be hurting, losing and crying no matter if we are woman or men. We cant avoid the destiny as we cant avoid fate.
Yes, people hurt me when they dont tell me the truth. Yes, I’m sad when someone  pretend to be a friend and then he/she stab me in the back. Yes, I cry when people doesnt understand me and they try to change who I am. Yes, I lost some battles in my life but through losing I gained knowledge. Yes, I feel sorrow when noone accept how I am.
We must accept that all of us prefer to hear the thruth than the lies. Yes of course sometimes the truth can kill but I prefer to know the truth and to know whats goin on than to sit and hear lies that makes me sad and make me feel more alone than ever before.
You have to think that sometimes you have tosay what you think. Dont hold back your feeling or your thoughts. If you hold them back you will end up not only been hurt but you will end up hurting people too.
I’m so tired to not know what some ” friends ” want from me and I’m so tired of been hurt too. But I prefer to know whats goin on even if that will hurt me when you/he/she will tell me but after sometime I will be stronger , than to hold it back for long time and one day to say it, because with that way you/he/she will hurt me much more and it wont be so easy to recover after than.

Wow… Enough said I think. Some people they will start to wonder what made me say something like that, but honestly its the truth, its how I feel and its how I think.
But hey! Thats just me

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