It’s time for us as a people to start makin’ some changes.
Let’s change the way we eat, let’s change the way we live
And let’s change the way we treat each other.
You see the old way wasn’t working so it’s on us to do
What we gotta do, to survive.
— Tupac Shakur, “Changes”
Tupac Shakur passed away in September of
1996 at the young age of twenty-six. He accomplished much in his
too-brief time with us, however, and his presence made an indelible mark
on the world and on human consciousness. His lyrics were full of
uplifting and inspirational messages filled with hope, love, positivity,
and empowerment. He used his music to create awareness about various
issues that are not really presented to the world via mainstream media.
It’s quite amazing to witness someone so ‘awake’ at such a young age,
twenty years ago. He touched on issues ranging from health and the
environment to social issues like poverty, racism, and war, and
also highlighted things like the military industrial complex (CIA, FBI
acting as gangs), police brutality, government drug trafficking, and
On the other hand, his music was also
filled with a lot of hurt, revealing many troubling events in his life.
For some, music is a form of therapy, and despite what people might
think, rapping about violence, negativity, and other trauma does not
necessarily mean one is glorifying these things. Most of these artists,
who were depicted as violent gangsters by the media, were really
revolutionaries who had a positive impact on their listeners.
Below is some footage of Tupac speaking
about his belief in God and religion, and then below that I go into a
discussion of the video.
Religion As A Form Of Control
In the video above, Tupac expresses
his belief that, long ago, some people sat down and discussed the idea
of controlling people. He argues that organized religion was designed
and used to control humanity, stating, “and that’s what they came up
with, the Bible.” And many self-professed devout people would agree with
As you can see in the video, Tupac does
mention his belief in God. This is important to note; there is a
difference between faith and organized religion, and just because you
are not a religious person, or believe that religion is used as a tool
to control and enslave humanity, does not necessarily mean you don’t
believe in God or some sort of higher power (or the source, or whatever
you want to label it). It also doesn’t mean that the figures described
in these texts weren’t actually real, as he touches upon later
Has religion really been used to control
humanity? I definitely believe so, and I think that it becomes self
evident if one looks at the bulk of human history. There was a time when
religion was indistinguishable from the state — either you were part of
the church or you were considered a heretic. Even the work of
scientists like Galileo was completely banned and disregarded for years.
The whole system of religion was, and still is (in some cases), based
on fear. If you don’t do this, you’ll go to hell, or if you don’t do
that, God will not be your friend and you will suffer, if you don’t pay
taxes to the church, you will be punished.
“If the churches took half the money that they was making, and
gave it back to the community we’d be alright. We’d be alright. If they
take half the buildings they use to praise God and gave it to [people]
who need God, we’d be alright. Have you seen some of these goddamn
churches lately? There’s ones that take up the whole block in New York.
It’s homeless people out here.” – Tupac Shakur (from video)
Terrorism as a Means of Control
Terrorism is just one example of this
kind of control. Atrocities happen every day and most of them go
unreported, but the ones that we do hear about have one thing in common,
and that’s blaming Muslims. We label them as terrorists and then use
that identification as justification to create a heightened national
security state — one in which our rights are continually
diminished through quiet legislature. I personally believe these things
are being used to justify the infiltration of other countries for
ulterior motives, and I know I am not alone in my thoughts. It seems
clear that there a wealth of evidence to prove this theory, but so many
people still believe everything they hear on television without ever
questioning whether or not it is the truth, or a version of the truth,
or outright false.
“Statesmen will invent cheap
lies, putting blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will
be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently
study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he
will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God
for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque
self-deception.” – Mark Twain, from Chronicle of Young Satan (source)
This is called false flag
terrorism, and it represents one modern day example of how religion is
used to create a situation in which “the one percent” profit. We are
constantly bombarded with the idea that terrorist attacks like 9/11 and
the more recent incidents in France are a result of the ‘Islamic State.’
Is this really happening? According to
many, it’s not. Millions, if not billions, of people around the world
believe that these so-called ‘terrorist’ attacks are not being
executed by those who represent any kind of religion. People are
starting to wake up to this fact and paying more attention to
alternative media outlets as a result. It seems clear that there is no
religion which would actually support such actions, so to equate
terrorism with the Muslim faith is completely unacceptable.
“We are dealing with a criminal
undertaking at a global level … and there is an ongoing war … the global
war on terrorism is a US undertaking, which is fake, it’s based on fake
premises. It tells us that somehow America and the Western world are
going after a fictitious enemy, the Islamic State, when in fact the
Islamic state is fully supported and financed by the Western military
alliance. . . . They say Muslims are terrorists, but it just so happens
that terrorists are Made in America. They’re not the product of Muslim
society, and that should be abundantly clear to everyone on this floor.
The global war on terrorism is a fabrication, a big lie and a crime
against humanity.” – Dr. Michel Choissudovsky, Canadian Economist & Ottawa’s Professor of Economics (source)
Think about that for a second. Why are
we so patriotic, so eager to go in and fight the war on terror, if this
terrorism we speak of is homegrown? Are there people in power who are
actually sacrificing human lives while dishing out lies and propaganda
to the masses to cover up the atrocities they are committing? What is
really going on here? Does the government really have any control, do
they even know what is going on?
“There exists a shadowy
government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising
mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national
interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law
itself.” – Senator Daniel K. Inouye, the highest ranking Asian-American politician in United States history (source)
To see more quotes from presidents and politicians, you can click here.
To learn more about this Black Budget world, you can read an article we published about it that goes into detail here.
Sometimes certain truths can be hard to
swallow, especially if they conflict with your belief systems. In this
day and age, new information is constantly emerging that is forcing
people to question their beliefs, and admittedly, it is not easy. But it
is always in the best interests of ourselves and society at large to
keep an open mind and consider alternative perspectives.
Personally, I agree with Tupac. I’ve
looked into this topic for years and I believe that if, you asked ‘God’
about religion, God would not be able to tell you what it is. If you
asked Jesus, Mohammad, or any other ancient religious figure, they would
have no idea about the word religion, because (I believe) it was made
by man. I think it would be difficult to dispute the argument that
faith is not the same thing as religion.
Don’t get me wrong, there are many
points made in various religious texts that completely resonate with me
and (obviously) millions of other people around the world. I’ve always
felt that many of these texts were written in a time far different from
what we are living in today. I believe these texts were taken, used, and
re-written by various people (which is why we see so many different
versions). Ultimately, I believe original sacred events, teachings, and
revelations have been concealed, and new versions were created in order
to control the people.
It seems clear that things haven’t
changed, so what can we do about it? It starts with becoming aware of
the things happening around the world which do not resonate with you,
and then talking about them. Do not be afraid to voice your opinion. The
change that needs to take place is a shift in consciousness; from that
place we can take the necessary action steps to create a human
experience that resonates with all life on this planet, and part of this
shift in consciousness includes global transparency. So ask yourself,
what is really happening on this planet, and why is it happening? What
can we do to change it?
How often do we look at information like this without ever contemplating the consciousness aspect of it?
If we want change, we have to look at
ourselves and within ourselves. We cannot keep looking to others for
solutions. We have, every one of us, the power to impact the world in a
positive way.
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