5 Simple Ways To Deal With Toxic People - Mutual Reflection

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5 Simple Ways To Deal With Toxic People

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1. Calmly tell them it's unacceptable.

When someone is being toxic, you can't match their toxicity and expect things to get better. Instead, take a deep breath and tell them in a calm, positive way that their behavior isn't acceptable to you. This way, you put it into their heads without any negativity.

2. Don't take responsibility.

Don't become apologists for the toxic people in your life. Other, your friends and family, will notice. If they bring it up, don't try to turn their behavior into something acceptable. Acknowledge the problem and forget it.

3. Be upbeat and positive toward them.

If you have toxic, negative people in your space, counteract their toxicity with positive behavior. In this way, you can show them that the world is filled with love and people who care about them, but won't enable their bad behavior.

4. Clear your mind.

Toxic people can really drain you. Spending even a small amount of time with them really wipes you out. Be sure to take some time to recharge. Enjoy a hike or some meditation. Clear your mind. Let the negative energy they shed onto you wash off of you.

5. Help them or move on.

And that's pretty much where it all has to end. If you've got toxic people in your life, you either have to help them or let them go. It's not an easy choice, but it's a choice you have to make.

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